Friday, 10 February 2012

Handrawn sketches of double page spread

This is my first hand drawn sketch idea of the layout of my double page spread. Including sketches of photograph ideas to be included in the double page spread of my music magazine. I think that this is a good first sketch idea for my double page spread. I think that it starts to give me a good idea of were the layout and the contents of my double page spread is heading. I have took these ideas from present music magazines that I have been researching. For this particular design I have took the idea of an extra features column being added to the left of the article. I think that its good for a quick sketch idea however layout could of possible been thought about better to make it more effective for giving a good strong idea of the outcome of my final finished front cover.

This is my second hand drawn sketch idea of the layout of my double page spread. Including sketches of photograph ideas to be included in the double page spread of my music magazine. I think that this is again a good sketch idea for my double page spread. I think that it starts to give me a good idea of were the layout and the contents of my front page is heading. 

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