Friday, 3 February 2012

Analysis of a contents page of a music magazine 'Q'

This layout of the edition of 'Qs' contents page is basic and neat. This contents page fits the consistent layout of 'Q' magazine, with the fonts and red black and white colour scheme, this contents page is clear and concise. It follows conventions of most other magazine contents pages. On the left hand side, the subheading ‘features’ is written with page title listings, by putting the numbers and articles on the left hand side of the page. Nothing on the page really overlaps, its all very tidy. This makes it easier for the reader to pages and articles that they are interested in. The title 'contents' is written clearly at the top, with 'Q' logo next to it. Like the front cover of Q' magazines, the main image for the contents page take up the majority of the page. Although there are not lots of images on this contents page, like other magazine content pages, this content page just has one large image of the band 'The Courteeners' who are featured in this particular edition of the magazine. This gives the audience an idication to what the main story line within the magazine is going to be about. Representing the style of the magazine, this all male band are dressed in skinny jeans and indie styled shirts, one with sunglasses, to refelect the indie/rock them of 'Q' magazine as a whole. There is a subheading 'every month' showing what pages are included in each edition of the magazine. In the featured section 'OASIS SPECIAL!' is written, standing out in a different font and in gold, to attract and excite fans. The text that reads 'features' and 'every month' are in white writing and highlighted in red. This makes the different sections of the information on the page stand out. This also sticks to the brand identity of 'Q' magazine by keeping to the same font and style. Under the main image, a box with the 'Q REVIEW' is included, with a smaller image of another person, titled 'the world's biggest and best music guid' this box has page listings of different reviews.At the bottom of the page there is information about corsswords answers and subscription payments. This part of the contents page is sectioned off compared to the music section above. The colour scheme is very plain, the background is a light shade of grey. I think this contents page is good, as it has one focus image showing who is featured in this edition, with the normal page listings around it, organised into categorised sections. This page has a strict colour theme of red, white and black, as does the other pages in Q, so it fits in with the magazine.

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