Thursday, 9 February 2012

Hand drawn sketches of covers

This is a hand drawn sketch idea of what the layout of my front cover will be like. Including sketches of photographs to be included on my front cover. I think that this is a good first sketch idea for my front cover. I think that it starts to give me a good idea of were the layout and the contents of my front page is heading. I think that its good for a quick sketch idea however layout could of possible been thought about better to make it more effective for giving a good strong idea of the outcome of my final finished front cover.

This is a second hand drawn sketch idea of what the layout of my front cover will be like. Including sketches of photographs to be included on my front cover.  I think that this is again a good sketch idea for my front cover. The photograph to be used is completely different to the prefers which is good in giving a second possible view of how my front cover could turn out. I think that again it starts to give me a good idea of were the layout and the contents of my front page is heading. I think that its good for a quick sketch idea however layout could be though about more as now looking at it finished looks a bit bare.

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