Thursday, 9 February 2012

Hand drawn sketches of contents page

This is my first hand drawn sketch idea of the layout of my front cover. Including sketches of photograph ideas to be included on the front cover of my music magazine. I think that this is a good first sketch idea for my contents page. I think that it starts to give me a good idea of were the layout and the contents of contents page is heading. I think that its good for a quick sketch idea however layout could of possible been thought about better to make it more effective for giving a good strong idea of the outcome of my final finished contents page.

This is my second hand drawn sketch idea of the layout of my contents page. Including sketches of photograph ideas to be included on the contents page of music magazine. I think that this is again a good sketch idea for my contents page. The photographs to be used are different to the prefers which is good in giving a second possible view of how my contents page could turn out. I think that again it starts to give me a good idea of were the layout and the contents of my contents page is heading. 

This is my third hand drawn sketch idea of what my contents page will possibly be like. Including sketches of photograph ideas to be included on my double page spread of my music magazine. This third idea is different to the previous two as it is over a double page, where as the previous two were only a single page for the contents. This is the idea that I am going to go with because taking up a double page for a contents page will allow me more space for texts and images. Therefore it should not look as crowded as more space will be allowed.

I think that these sketch ideas for my contents page are good in showing three different layouts of how my final finished contents page could turn out. I have kept my sketches basic however I think that they work effectively in showing design ideas.

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