Friday, 3 February 2012

Analysis of a double page spread from a music magazine 'NME'

This double page spread from 'NME' features an article about a new band called 'The Teenagers'. The image of the new band takes up the whole of the left side of the double page spread and shows them looking very relaxed in their natural enviroment and not posed. There is not focus on one member more than the other which shows that they are all to be seen as equal parts of the band. There is a headline beneath the one of the members. The headline of the article is the largest font of the page. Its written in black serif font in a blue box to draw the readers attention to it. Underneath is the sub-heading of the article, describing what the article is about, with the article underneath this again. This text is much smaller than the heading, as the readers attention should already be drawn to the article by the heading. The sub-heading is again written in a bold serif font, to still make it stand out from the article itself but not as much as the heading of the article. In the middle of the article there is a quote from the interview which is highlighted in a blue box and white serif font to make it stand out and draw the readers attention to it and make them want to read the interview. In the bottom left hand corner there is another blue box which gives you the need to know about the band. The text in this box is written in both black and white, and sans serif and serif font. The name of the band in this box is in serif white text, as the name of the band should be more formal than the rest of the text in the box as it is the name of the band. The 'need to know' written in this box is the largest written in this box in black sans serif font. This is to make what the information in this box clear and stand out to the reader. This is useful to the reader's who are just flicking through the magazine and may want to read the 'need to know' first to get a little understand of the band before reading the whole article and finding out all about them on the other side of the double page spread. Down the side of the double page spread is a sperarate feature to the article. This feature tells the reader about other new bands that they may be interested in. There is a headline and image featuring each new band in this sperate feature. This extra feature is layed out well and keeping with the colour scheme of the rest of the double page spread. Using the colours black, white and blues. A thin strip down the side of the feature separates this feature from the main article keeping the two things sperate, but related by using the same colour scheme. Again the main headline on this feature about other bands is the largest part of the feature, in white sans serif font inorder to draw the readers attention to the feature. The sub-heading is then based in a blue box with white serif font. This fomate is the opposite to the main article. Again this would make the feature stand out seperately to the article. The name of each new band is slightly smaller than the heading but larger than the information about the each new band which is underneath each band name. The colour scheme for this page is kept consistent keeping to a house style, with only using black, white and blue.

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