Wednesday 21 March 2012

Photographs for Front Cover

This was one of the first photographs that I took myself  for my front cover. It is an unedited version of the image. I thought that this image could work on my front cover, however after trying it out I decided that it would not make my front cover as successful as I think I could make it. So, after trying this image out and choosing against it I took some more photographs and got an image that would work excellently as the main image for my front cover. Although it is not a photograph of the main person featured in my music magazine, that being the person my article is about. Therefore too come around this problem I will change the main cover line on my front cover to be about the person I am using on my front cover.

After choosing against using my original photographs for my front cover, I took more photographs a found that this image (to the right) is the one I will use for my front cover. This is because I think the style of the image represents my music magazine well. The colours in the photograph are kept basic, however they keep with the house style of my music magazine. This is not the person that I have used for my double page spread, however, I did not feel that it was necassary to have the same person on my front cover as I have written about for my article. This is because from my research I found that there was a number of articles and interviews in music magazine about a variety of different artists and bands, who can not all be on the front cover. Therefore because having a different artist on my front cover to the artist I have interviewed for my article is not a problem. As this suggests that there are more articles in the music magazine and shows that this is thought about. The artist for my article will still be mentioned on my front cover as well as this new artits that I have introduced to my magazine.

This is the final finished photograph that I am using on my front cover. I have edited this image by adjusting the brightness and contrast to make it as successful as possible on my front cover. I have also cropped a tiny bit at the bottom to make it fit onto my front cover nicely without loosing any important aspects of the image itself. Its a catch image that will catch my audience eye and draw their attention into it.

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