Wednesday 21 March 2012

Photographs for Contents Page

This is an photograph of an extreme close up that I have choosing to use for one of my smaller images that fill feature on my contents page. I think that this photograph will be a successful image on my contents page. This is because I think the style of the image represents my music magazine well. The colours in the photograph are kept basic.

This is the main final finished photograph of an image that I am using on my contents page. For this image I have used a close up shot. I have edited this image by adjusting the brightness and contrast to make it as successful as possible on my contents page. I have also cropped out bits that are not necassery in order to fill up the space as much as I can with the main image its self without loosing any important aspects of the image itself. I think that it is a catch image that will catch my audience eye and draw their attention into wanting to know what is featured in the magazine.

This is an photograph of an extreme close up that I have choosing to use for one of my smaller images that fill feature on my contents page. I think that this photograph will be a successful image on my contents page. This is because I think the style of the image represents my music magazine well. The colours in the photograph are kept basic, however the colour of the hair in this image works really well will the colour on the guitar of the previous image. Therefore I will put these two images close together so that the colours can run nicely from one to the other. I think that these are two images that will go hand in hand with each other very nicely. they keep with the house style of my music magazine.

This is the main final finished photograph of an image that I am using on my contents page. For this image I have used an extreme close up shot. I have edited this image by adjusting the brightness and contrast to make it as successful as possible on my contents page. I have also cropped out bits of background that are not necassery in order to fill up the space as much as I can with the main image its self without loosing any important aspects of the image itself. I think that it is a catch image that will catch my audience eye and draw their attention into wanting to know what is featured in the magazine.

I have used a mid shot for this image. I think that this photograph is the one that will be the most successful as the main and largest image on my contents page. This is because I think the style of the image represents my music magazine well. The colours in the photograph are kept basic, however they keep with the house style of my music magazine.

This is the main final finished photograph of the main image that I am using on my contents page. It is a mid shot of the artist that will be featured in my article, leaning against a wall. I have edited this image by adjusting the brightness and contrast to make it as successful as possible on my contents page. I have also cropped out bits of background that are not necassery in order to fill up the space as much as I can with the main image its self without loosing any important aspects of the image itself. I think that it is a catch image that will catch my audience eye and draw their attention into wanting to know what is featured in the magazine.

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